Our Lady and St Brigid Northfield

Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary meets on Friday mornings in the meeting room after Mass to pray the Rosary and offer the Legion prayers. The Legion is a prayerful organisation and exists world wide. Members of the Legion visit the sick, elderly and housebound of the parish and pray with them when appropriate. In addition the Legion lead the Rosary after Mass on a Friday during May and October, as well as the Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent and November - the latter for the Souls in Purgatory. Members of the Legion will, when asked to do so, will pray the Rosary around the coffin when the deceased is Received into Church the evening before the Funeral.

More recently, the Legion, in collaboration with Legion Members of neighbouring Parishes, ghave made door to door visits on a newly established Housing Estate within the Parish. 

If you would like to find out more about us please join the Legion one Friday morning after Mass to get a feel of this valuable ministry which they offer.