Worship and Prayer
Mass TimesSunday Mass 10am
Saturday Vigil Mass 5.30pm
Holyday Masses 10am, 7pm
Weekday Masses Monday 10am, Tuesday outside term time 9am, Wednesday 7pm, Thursday 10am, Friday 10am, Saturday 10am
Zoom Peace Rosary Tuesday 11:30am call or text 07944 707591 for details.
Confessions Saturday 10.30am and 5pm
Benediction/ Exposition Wednesday 7.30pm - 8pm, Thursday 10.30am – 11am, Saturday 9.30am - 9.55am
French Mass – Congolese Community 1st Sunday of the Month 3.30pm
Luganda Mass – Ugandan Community 2nd Sunday of the Month 3.30pm
Tagalog Mass – Filipino Community 3rd Sunday of the Month – 5pm
Service for people with special needs 4th Sunday of the Month – 4pm
This is a 20 minute service of Holy Communion, followed by refreshments.
African Community Prayer Group Last Sunday of the Month - 11:30am